Tag Archives: macbook air

January 8, 2009
uTorrent Port Forwarding in VMWare Fusion– also tagged

I first started this post when I wanted to set up uTorrent on my MacBook Air’s VM XP. There were so many sites with different instructions that I thought I would compile the most straightforward method that worked. Unfortunately, after a few failed trial and errors, I stumbled upon another blog that had already accomplished […]

August 22, 2008
Home for my MacBook Air– also tagged , ,

Yesterday I found time and a willing coworker (thanks Westphal!) to help me install XP Pro on my VM Fusion; Today I started installing some apps like Office 2007, Photoshop, Quickbooks, etc… I must say, people were not kidding when they said Windows runs smoother and faster on a Mac! and the 2-finger touchpad scrolling […]

June 19, 2008
MacBook Air

If you remember, I was just complaining about Vista two weeks ago… coincidentally (and special thanks to my co-worker Blaine), I was given a MacBook Air for work yesterday. How crazy! Like any piece of shiny, new and expensive gadget, I delicately opened the packaging and attempted to use dainty fingers (with my pinky in […]