Monthly Archives: May 2008

May 29, 2008
Envious Designs

When I first acquired this domain name, I had grand visions of a website that truly expressed all the complexities that makes me, me. Needless to say, I soon felt overwhelmed by the infinite possibilities and the creation of my masterpiece website was pushed aside to accommodate more pressing matters such as finishing school and […]

May 22, 2008
Tree Sweater

I’m not sure if I could have stumbled upon anything more adorable than these, especially in my current tree-obsessed state.

May 13, 2008
Grand China

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I decided that we would take my mom out for her first real bowling experience on Mother’s Day (especially since she had recently mastered bowling on the Wii and claims to average 270…). While browsing Google Maps for a restaurant that may satisfy my parents’ extremely picky taste near Funtime Bowl, […]